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Portway Infant School

Portway Infant School

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Pop Up Food Bank

On Thursday 29th February, our School Council organised a Pyjama Day, and asked for donations for their Pop Up Food Bank after carrying out some research into local charities that they wished to support. They were overwhelmed with the generous donations that were brought in!

The Year 1 councillors spent a long time organising the donations into boxes ready for delivery. This was a tricky job as they had to make sure they made the boxes roughly the same weight.

On Friday 1st March, the Year 2 councillors took all of the donations to Andover Food Bank. The volunteers were so welcoming to the School Council and gave them a tour of the Food Bank while the donations were being unloaded. We found out that the Food Bank supported over 8,000 families last year!

The warehouse is carefully organised and we had a look around. The councillors asked lots of good questions about what the Food Bank needs the most of, to help us to plan any future events.

We then found out that Portway families had donated a fantastic 196kg of food!

Thank you to everyone for donating, and watch this space for more School Council-organised events coming soon!
