Welcome to Eagle Class!
The Hawk Conservancy
What a fabulous day we had at The Hawk Conservancy! After a short journey we started our day with sketching and discovering as much as possible about the birds. We followed this with the Wings of Africa display. We had to duck quite a lot! The Secretary Bird made us laugh as it karate kicked a rubber snake. After lunch we had more time to explore before ending our day with the Valley of the Eagles display. The vultures flew so low they almost hit our heads. We were damp but happy as we returned to school.

Owl Pellets
Today was lots of fun! We dissected owl pellets carefully using tweezers and cocktail sticks so we could find out what the owl had been eating. We were really excited to find lots of different bones and then try and match our bones with the examples to find out what each bone was.

Tim Hopgood Art
This week we have made artwork inspired by the story ‘Wow! Said The Owl’ by Tim Hopgood. We started by creating and layering our owls face using lots of different sized circles. We then drew our owl’s bodies and decorated using different chalk and pastel patterns. Don’t they look amazing?

Owl Press Prints
Today we created our very own owl press print. We had to work through a range of steps to create our art work. First we designed our owl on a whiteboard making sure it was a good size. Then we carefully copied it onto our polystyrene tile using a whiteboard pen. The tricky bit was tracing our design using a pencil making sure we didn’t push too hard. Once our tile was ready we covered it with ink and pressed it onto the paper. What a great way to start our new topic!

The Happy Lion
This week we have made artwork inspired by the story ‘The Happy Lion’ by Louise Fatio. We started by drawing the face of our lion and we used pastels to colour it in. We then got creative when making the manes by using a range of methods and materials. Have a look at our wonderful creations!

Mindful Minis
Yesterday Year 2 had a visit from Mindful Minis. We had a great time learning how to be more aware of our bodies and breath and took part in a number of fun breathing exercises and yoga poses. Have a look at the pictures to see just how much fun we had!

Jungle Camps
Today we enjoyed creating our own jungle camp out of card. We had to think about how to make our camps look 3D using the different materials. We had a great time thinking about what to include in our camps and how to model the card to create the different effects.