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Portway Infant School

Portway Infant School

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Curriculum and Curriculum Newsletters

What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here.

Our curriculum is designed to ensure that every child can experience, learn and achieve whatever their ability, age, disability, gender, race, religion or culture.  Parents are encouraged to discuss any concerns they might have in relation to the above with their child's class teacher in the first instance.  Every effort will be made to adapt how we offer aspects of our curriculum if necessary.  We are sensitive to children's protected characteristics and also make every effort to ensure that all school resources reflect our commitment to equal opportunities for all.


If you would like further information regarding our curriculum please speak to your child's class teacher, or ask via the school office.


Please see our class pages which show the children's learning


National Curriculum


Our Accessbility Statement is available via
