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Portway Infant School

Portway Infant School

Interactive Bar


Spring Term 2023

Ukulele concert!

This term we have been learning how to play the ukulele with Mrs Courcoux from Hampshire Music Service and we have been working hard to improve our plucking and strumming. Today we were so excited to perform in a concert with a full audience! A huge thank you to our wonderful music teacher, Mrs Courcoux, and to our grown ups for supporting us this afternoon.

Hampshire Fire Service

Year 2 were so excited to have a visit from Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service this week. We loved our session with Jo who talked about what to do during a fire as well as teaching us a song! We played games and some of us even got to dress up in firefighters' clothing. What a great time we had, thank you very much to Jo and the rest of Hampshire Fire and Rescue.

Our visit from The Drama Hut!

Today we had an exciting visit from The Drama Hut where the very talented actor, Kat, took us on a journey to explore the events of the Great Fire of London. We met Thomas Farriner who described what happened the night the fire started and we also met Samuel Pepys who read his diary to us. We also loved showing off our knowledge from this term's learning. What a fantastic time we had! Have a look at our photos below!

Year 2's newest instrument!

This term Year 2 have started learning to play the ukulele with the wonderful Mrs Courcoux from Hampshire Music Service. We have learnt to hold our instruments and pluck different strings. We have loved learning lots of new songs to sing alongside playing our ukuleles or clapping to different beats. We are excited for the rest of the term!

World Book Day 2023

On Thursday we dressed up as our favourite story characters for World Book Day! Our day began with sharing our amazing costumes and talking about our characters. We took part in a drama lesson based on one of our favourite stories ‘The Shark in the Dark’. Everyone particularly enjoyed the story themed lunch! What an amazing day we enjoyed!

Can you guess who we are in the photos?  If you dressed up then who would you like to be?

Forest School 

Yesterday we ventured out in the wind for a brilliant day of Forest School. We enjoyed identifying trees and leaves in the forest using our ID sheets. We were set different measuring challenges such as building a 15cm chair for Goldilocks using natural resources we found outside! We were all especially excited to go on a hidden trail through the woodland to find clues from different traditional tales.

Willow Pattern Day

We loved starting our week with a special Willow Pattern Day. We created our own plate based in the style of the Willow Pattern. We designed our own Pagoda and painted them using different tones of blue and white for effect. Then after lunch we followed in the steps of Koong Shee and Chang to create origami paper boats to pass messages across the river.

Have a look at our fantastic work!

New Age Kurling

Over the past couple of weeks, we have been learning to play New Age Curling. We started by learning the correct throwing (pushing) position and have experimented with how the amount of power we put into each throw affects the distance it travels. We then developed a variety of different shots and have learnt how to use them tactically within a game.

Visit to the Orchestra

Year 2 had a great time at the Children’s Concert in Southampton. After a fun coach journey, we found our seats in the Central Hall and we were very excited for what was to come! We especially liked the magician on stage who turned a can of coke into a 2 litre bottle – wow! It was wonderful to see so many new instruments as well as some we already knew and we listened carefully to each piece of music. Sometimes we even pretended to conduct the orchestra ourselves! What a fantastic morning we had!
