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Portway Infant School

Portway Infant School

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Remote Education - Google Classroom

As a school we have subscribed to Google Classroom, an online platform where we will post activities, videos, weblinks and learning tasks. Children can then post their own work, comment on others’ and keep in touch with their classmates during any period of closure. Staff are also able to engage with the children by responding to the completed tasks they share online.


We use a combination of the following approaches to teach pupils remotely:


  • Recorded teaching inputs made by our own staff to explain new concepts and introduce activities
  • Recorded teaching that the children join in with such as PE, singing, phonics
  • Recorded lessons from the Oak Academy which match the learning objectives children are working on in school, selected by school staff
  • Storytime videos of the child’s own class adults reading stories
  • Recorded lessons provided by Hampshire Music Service
  • Access to online resources including levelled reading schemes; Big Cat Phonics for reading and e-books from the School Library Service
  • Suggestions of practical activities covering subjects such as art and science
  • Weekly Fun Family Challenges
  • Weblinks, videos and activities to support well-being e.g Cosmic Kids Yoga
  • Weekly live catch up sessions with classteacher and LSAs through Google Meet.


On this page you will find instructions for logging in to your Google Classroom and other useful how-to guides. Your child will have received a letter with their login details; if you cannot find this please contact the school office or email
