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Portway Infant School

Portway Infant School

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Nothing is more important to us than the safety and welfare of our pupils and the whole Portway community. We take rigorous steps to ensure that children stay safe and do not come to any harm. We work closely with parents/carers and a range of professional external agencies in order to secure this.


If you have ANY concerns, no matter how small they may seem, about the safety or welfare of any child, please contact the school's Designated Safeguarding Lead or any member of our Safeguarding team (see below).


At Portway Infant School we actively seek to prevent safeguarding issues and are vigilant in our pursuit of keeping our children safe and happy.  Our staff have regular training on identifying and reporting a safeguarding concern. We also work with various national organisations such as NSPCC, as well as local, professional bodies to ensure we follow best Safeguarding practices.  Please see our Safeguarding Policy for more information. 


Safeguarding Team

Miss Allen (Headteacher) is our school Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). We also have a number of Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL) who make up our Safeguarding team; these are Mr Banks (Deputy Headteacher/SENDCo), Mrs Sacree (Family Support Worker) and Mrs Brown (Admin Manager). You can contact any member of the Safeguarding team through the school office.
