'Castle Gosling' had the greatest time at the ball today! We got to dress up in our finest clothes and dance the morning away in the hall! We used our pattern learning to remember our dance moves and we gave a bow and curtsey to our partners.
We enjoyed biscuits and a drink too! When the clock struck 12 the magic went away and we had to return home to our castles!!
Fairy Tales Forest School
We had a great time in the forest on Monday. We were learning all about following trails, just like in the story of Hansel and Gretel! We had to look out for different signs that were left all around the school grounds! We followed the signs which brought us to the fire circle where we enjoyed a warm cup of hot chocolate as a treat!
We enjoyed making our own signs and trails in our special time. What a fabulous day!
Far Away to China!
Yesterday we went on a Far Away Trip to China where we found out all about the flag, dragons, pagodas and The Great Wall of China. We looked at how they use symbols to represent letters and numbers and made our own flags and red lanterns. We even practised using chopsticks to eat noodles!
Today we had a special visitor who told us the story of the great race and we performed our own 'Dragon Dance'.
We have loved learning all about China!
Gymnastics Shapes
In PE this half term we are learning all about the 5 basic shapes. These are: Straight, Star, Tuck, Pike and Straddle. We have practised them carefully by holding our bodies strong and still just like gymnasts do. We are experts now and can't wait to teach everyone at home!
Ice Decorations
With all of the cold weather we have been having, we thought that we would use it to explore the water that had frozen into ice in our Outside Area. This gave us the idea to make ice decorations. We worked in partners to collect natural resources and put them into a plate. We then added water and left it overnight to freeze
This week we have been learning all about the artist Wassily Kandinsky and one of his most famous pieces of art: 'Squares with Concentric Circles'. We created our own concentric circles and practised our cutting skills to make the different sizes. All of our amazing work is on display in Year R and we are very proud.
Christmas Assembly
Today we were lucky enough to be joined by some very talented Portway parents for our Christmas assembly in the hall. The grown ups impressed us with their musical talent and it was lovely to see so many different instruments. What a great way to come together and sing some well known Christmas carols! Thank you to our wonderful performers for joining us.
Bears Birthday!
We read the story of 'Ruff' this week and talked about birthdays and why we celebrate them. We talked about how a birthday is about remembering and celebrating the day we were born. We then realised that our class bear 'Hubble' had never had a birthday - Just like Ruff! So we decided to throw a birthday party for him. We talked about all the different ways we celebrate a birthday at home and planned some fun things for Bears Birthday!
Forest School Bear Hunting
We have had a great day in the forest today! We made camouflage crowns using the natural materials in the forest and then we went on our very own BEAR HUNT!!!! We sang "We're Going on a Bear Hunt, We're going to catch a 'little' one, what a beautiful day, We're not scared!" It was a beautiful day and we were not scared at all! We found a Bear and lots of little bears too! We got to keep a little bear to keep as our very own bear!
We had lots of fun doing our favourite jobs in the forest for the rest of the day.
We have been learning all about how our environment changes from Summer into Autumn and how some animals hibernate or migrate to warmer places. We have noticed how the leaves have been changing colour and falling off the trees. So on Wednesday we had the best fun playing in the leaves in our outside area.
Brown Bear Masks
'Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you see...'
I see all of Gosling's amazing animal masks looking at me!
We had so much fun creating our animal masks this week. First we decided what animal we wanted for our mask and then we made a careful plan. Once we had our plan we painted our mask and started decorating all of its features! Have a look at all of our hard work!
Farm to Fork Week
We have had a great week this week looking at where are food comes from and how it gets from the farms to our plates!
We have been busy learning about different types of farms – Pastoral, Arable and Mixed – We have planted our own Radishes after reading the story ‘Rosie Plants a Radish’ and we have been doing lots of special time jobs linked to our learning.
On our bikes and trikes we tried to stay with our partners along a line as if we were harvesting in the fields.
On Wednesday we prepared and tasted lots of fruit and vegetables, we were very excited to do this job and there were quite a few empty plates at the end of it!