Ice Sculptures
We have had great fun in the past few days taking advantage of the very cold weather! We looked at how water turns to ice when it freezes and then investigated what happens when the sun shines. Have a look at our Ice Sculptures that we made using natural materials from our outside area.
This week we have been learning all about the artist Wassily Kandinsky and one of his most famous pieces of art: 'Squares with Concentric Circles'. We created our own concentric circles and practised our cutting skills to make the different sizes. All of our amazing work is on display in Year R and we are very proud.
Christmas Assembly
Today we were lucky enough to be joined by some very talented Portway parents for our Christmas assembly in the hall. The grown ups impressed us with their musical talent and it was lovely to see so many different instruments. What a great way to come together and sing some well known Christmas carols! Thank you to our wonderful performers for joining us.
Bear's Birthday!
We read the story of 'Ruff' this week and talked about birthdays and why we celebrate them. We talked about how a birthday is about remembering and celebrating the day we were born. We then realised that our Cygnet Bear had never had a birthday - Just like Ruff! So we decided to throw a birthday party for her. We talked about all the different ways we celebrate a birthday and planned some fun things for Cygnet Bear's birthday party!
Forest School
What lucky Cygnets we were today! We had so much fun at Forest School and we even had sunshine... that was until after lunch! We created camouflage crowns using natural materials from the forest. We then remembered all of our safety rules while exploring! Have a look at all the fun we had...
We have been learning all about how our environment changes from Summer into Autumn and how some animals hibernate or migrate to warmer places. We have noticed how the leaves have been changing colour and falling off the trees. So on Friday we had the best fun playing in the leaves in our outside area.
Brown Bear Masks
'Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you see...'
I see all of Cygnet's amazing animal masks looking at me!
We had so much fun creating our animal masks this week. First we decided what animal we wanted for our mask and then we made a careful plan. Once we had our plan we painted our mask and started decorating all of its features! Have a look at all of our hard work!
Farm to Fork Week
Wow, what a super week it has been! This week we have become Portway farmers and have learnt about where our food comes from. We have been busy this week planting radish seeds in our own Cygnet Greenhouse. We are ready to water them and can't wait to watch them grow. We have also learnt about the journey our food takes from the farm to the shops. We have especially loved cutting up different fresh fruit and veg to have our own little tasting picnic. It was delicious!
Forest School
What an amazing first Forest School Day we have had! We have found out how to keep ourselves safe, what to do if we get lost and even been around the site putting out Hazard Flags whenever we found something that might be dangerous!
Then we were ready for our learning time... we have been bug hunting, digging and sieving, building harvesting machines, making dens and lots lots more. Come and see what we have been up to...
Bikes and Trikes
When the sun is shining we like to take our learning outside and what better way to get some exercise and practise our turn taking than going on the bikes and trikes! We have lots of different designs - even some that move by using our hands! We can develop our gross motor skills and balance by having some fun with our friends.
Pablo Picasso
We have been learning all about the artist Pablo Picasso this week. We practised our scissor skills to cut up photographs of our faces to then stick down and create our own piece of art in the style of Picasso.
Far Away Friday to Spain
We have been on a visit to Spain today in Cygnet Class! We arrived at school and got straight on the aeroplane with our passports! We found out lots of interesting things about Spain, especially the fact that Pablo Picasso was born there. We have had lots of fun making the Spanish flag, Spanish fans and doing our very own Flamenco dancing!
We even learnt some of the language! Have a look at the fun we had...
Write Dance
We had our first taste of PE this week at Portway. We only took off our shoes and socks this time but we did so brilliantly and with hardly any help! We headed into the hall to perform some Write Dance. We listened to music and made circles and eights with our arms to music. Once we had practised this we used floaty scarves and performed to our friends!
Our First Week
What a busy first week we have had at Portway! We have been finding out about the different places inside and outside of our classroom, learning about how to use the different resources and making lots of friends. We have had a great start to our time in Year R! Come and see what we have been up to...