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Portway Infant School

Portway Infant School

Interactive Bar


Spring Term 2023

Spring Walk

We have been on a Spring Walk in our school grounds today. We have been finding out about different flowers that grow in Spring and learning their names. 

Then we used our Sketch Books to draw some of the flowers, thinking carefully about the shapes and colours.

Superhero Day

We have been learning all about superheroes at school...... real life and fictional. Today we had an opportunity to dress up as a superhero character (and even grown ups too!!!)

Forest School Fire Day!

Today in Forest school we learnt all about how to build a safe fire. We now know the steps to take... first we make a fire boundary with 4 sticks, then we collect some dry grass for tinder, then we collect some small sticks for kindling and then some bigger sticks to make a pyramid shape as the starting point for our fire. Miss birmingham taught us how to use a steel to create a spark and we all had a try. 

We finished our day with a real camp fire and a sing song! Not forgetting to extinguish the fire safely before we left!

...Of course it wouldn't be a proper forest school day without some special time learning in the forest too!...

World Book Day!

We had a great time today celebrating world book day! We have had a different teacher come to read us a story and we all had a vote to decide on our favourite class book! We chose 'The Runaway Pea' by Kjartan Poskitt and Alex Willmore.

We loved dressing up and we had our very own fashion show!

Can you guess who we are?

999, Emergency!

We have had a visit from PC Luke and PC Ben who told us all about the special clothes and gadgets they have to help to keep themselves and us safe. It was all very exciting and we even got to see inside their police car and the gadgets they had so that the car kept everyone safe too! Luckily Mrs Mundy was not officially arrested. Just as a demonstration!

We also had a visit from Student Paramedic Ellie who told us all about how she keeps people safe in her job too!

Real Life Superheroes Come To Portway


We have been really lucky to have 2 real life superheroes come to visit Gosling Class this week

On Tuesday morning we had a visit from the Nurse who told us all about her job and we looked at the bones and important features of our bodies.  Then in the afternoon Julie from Hampshire Healthy Families told us all about dentists and how to keep our teeth healthy and clean. We found out that you need to brush your teeth twice a day for 2 minutes and which foods are healthy for our teeth. We had lots of fun practising our teeth brushing skills!

Cinderella's Ball

We had a wonderful time at Cinderella's Ball yesterday. We were very excited to change into our smart outfits and we all looked amazing! To everyone's relief the Fairy Godmother came and turned cinderella's rags into a dress and she got to come with us too!

We had music and dancing and everyone's dance card was full to overflowing!

We had drinks and canape's too. Each partner collected the drink of choice for themselves and their partner and kindly took it to them.

What a great day it was! Have a look at our photo's to see the fun...

Forest School Day

We had a great day in the forest today. We have been busy making Clay Faces on the tree's. Do you like them?