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Portway Infant School

Portway Infant School

Interactive Bar



Cinderella Ball

Today we dressed up as princes and princesses to celebrate the end of our topic on Fairy Tales. We asked our partner to dance and bowed and curtsied to begin. We even had juice and biscuits before our final dance when the clock stuck midnight! 

Fairy Tale Forest School

We had a wonderful time at Forest School today and matched our learning to Fairy Tales. We pretended we were Hansel and Gretel and followed trails through our forest and school grounds. Miss Birmingham showed us what different symbols meant and we followed the trail that she had left for us ....... all the way to the fire circle where we enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate!! 

We also found out about cuckoo pint. Look out for it when you are on your own walks and stay away..... it will not be good for your tummies! 

Chinese New Year

Today we went on a Far Away Trip to China where we found out all about the flag, dragons, pagodas and The Great Wall of China. We looked at the writing and numbers and made our own flags and red lanterns. We even practised using chopsticks to eat noodles ready for our celebration of Chinese New Year in the afternnoon!

We decorated our classroom with lanterns and flags and then set the tables with noodles, prawn crackers, oranges and lucky envelopes. We even used chopsticks to eat our food while we celebrated Chinese New Year together. We are all ready for the year of the snake!

Gymnastics Shapes

In PE this half term we are learning all about the 5 basic shapes. These are: Straight, Star, Tuck, Pike and Straddle. We have practised them carefully by holding our bodies strong and still just like gymnasts do. We are experts now and can't wait to teach everyone at home!

Ice Decorations

With all of the cold weather we have been having, we thought that we would use it to explore the water that had frozen into ice in our Outside Area. This gave us the idea to make ice decorations. We worked in partners to collect natural resources and put them into a plate. We then added water and left it overnight to freeze.

We couldn't wait to see what they looked like the next day ........... they were beautiful and we used them to decorate our tree outside. It must have been cold because they were still there at the end of the day to share with our grown ups!! 

Wassily Kandinsky

We have been learning all about the artist Wassily Kandinsky and how he loved to create art using colours and shapes and found out that his pictures were often linked to his feelings or music. We have been busy creating our own art in the style of Kandinsky and made our concentric circles, choosing the colours according to our feelings at the time.  

Christmas Assembly

Today we were lucky enough to be joined by some very talented Portway parents for our Christmas assembly in the hall. The grown ups impressed us with their musical talent and it was lovely to see so many different instruments. What a great way to come together and sing some well known Christmas carols! Thank you to our wonderful performers for joining us.

Button's Birthday

We read the story of 'Ruff' this week by Jane Hissey and talked about birthdays and why we celebrate them.  We then realised that our phonics puppet 'Buttons' had never had a birthday, just like Ruff, so we decided to give him his very first birthday party. We talked about all the different ways we celebrate a birthday and planned some fun things for our class celebration! We made hats, cards and decorations ready and then sang him 'Happy Birthday' when he thought he was coming to teach us our new phonics. We played party games and shared cookies from the school kitchen ....... 

Bear Hunt Forest School

We have had a great day at Forest School today and could do lots of jobs without grown up help! We wrapped up warm and braved the rain ...... and even had some snow. 

At the end of the day we made our 'Camouflage crowns' ready to sneak up on any bears we might find .......


We have been learning all about how our environment changes from Summer into Autumn and how some animals hibernate or migrate to warmer places. We have noticed how the leaves have been changing colour and falling off the trees. So yesterday we had the best fun playing in the leaves in our outside area. 

Brown Bear Masks

'Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you see...'  I see Duckling's amazing animal masks looking at me!

We had so much fun creating our animal masks this week. First we decided what animal we wanted for our mask and then we made a careful plan. Once we had our plan we painted our mask and started decorating all of its features! Have a look at all of our hard work!


You could use the masks to make up a new Brown Bear story!

Farm to Fork Week

Wow, what a super week it has been........ we have become Portway farmers and have learnt about where our food comes from. We have been busy planting radish seeds and can't wait to watch them grow. We have also learnt about the journey our food takes from the farm to the shops and even used the bikes to be tractors harvesting from the fields.

Today we have loved cutting up local fresh fruit and vegetables to have our own little tasting picnic. It was delicious!

Forest School

We have had the best day at Forest School today. First we learnt how to keep ourselves safe if we got lost and marked all of the hazards with red flags. Then we went and had lots of fun bug hunting, cooking in the Mud Kitchen, digging and making music! We can't wait to go again!! 

Bikes and Trikes

When the sun is shining we like to take our learning outside and what better way to get some exercise and practise our turn taking than going on the bikes and trikes! We have lots of different designs - even some that move by using our hands! We can develop our gross motor skills and balance by having some fun with our friends. 

Pablo Picasso

We have been learning all about the artist Pablo Picasso. We know that he loved making colourful faces with features in the wrong places and facing forwards and sideways. We practised our scissor skills to make our own artwork in the style of Picasso.......

Far Away Friday!

We have been to Spain today to learn about the place that Pablo Picasso was born. We each had a passport and went on a plane to Madrid. We did our register in Spanish, made flags and fans and even did some flamenco dancing!! 

Write Dance

We had our first taste of P.E. this week at Portway. We only took off our shoes and socks this time, but we did brilliantly and hardly had any help! We headed into the Hall to perform some Write Dance. We listened to music and made circles and eights with our arms to music to support our Handwriting. Once we had practised this we used floaty scarves and performed to our friends!

Our First Days

Everyone has made such a good start in Duckling Class. We have been busy learning about the different places in our classroom, playing outside and having fun with old friends and new. Come and see what we have been doing .....